vineri, 2 septembrie 2011

What Is Silva Method

What Is Silva Method

The Silva Method is the world's premiere mind development program.  You can learn to use the untapped power of your mind to accomplish whatever you desire.  You can in only a few days take over control of your life to make your life really YOURS!
In just one weekend, you can learn to change your life and to focus your thoughts toward your desires. 
The Silva Method is all about learning to use your mind in a more effective manner.
You read the books that tell you what to do.  Now take the course that teaches you HOW to do it.  Create your life the way you want it.  Sign up today!

Now in over 100 Countries and in 25 + Languages
Major Areas Of Silva Basic Lecture Series
As Presented by 
Award Winning International Lecturer Betty Perry. 
Scheduled classes are Regularly in the Gulf coast of Florida. Ms. Perry does private, business and corporate classes round the world. Ms. Perry was personally trained by Jose Silva and has more than 20 years Silva experience.
For More Info Click On Underlined Text

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Alpha Functioning Mental Screen
Positive Thinking
Memory Pegs
Mirror of the Mind
Sleep Control
Changing Limiting Beliefs
To Awake Control Glove Anesthesia
Awake Control
Glass of Water Technique
Weight and Habit Control
Dream Control
Headache Control

Alpha Functioning
     Learn to function at the powerful alpha brain wave level where you can learn to use your whole brain to think with, and to solve problems in a more creative manner.

Positive Thinking
     Learn to develop and maintain a dynamic positive mental attitude no matter what circumstance you find yourself in.

     By learning to relax and relieve tension and stress, you will become more healthy and more productive so you can enjoy your life more completely.

Sleep Control
     Learn to go to sleep, easily, without drugs and their undesirable side effects, and wake up refreshed and feeling fine.

To Awake Control
     Learn to awaken naturally, when you wish to awaken, without an alarm clock.

Awake Control
     Learn to remain awake and alert when tired, so that you can get more done when necessary.

Dream Control
     Learn to remember a dream, or dreams, and use them to get information to solve problems.

Headache (Pain) Control
     With the use of Pain control you will learn to relieve mild or severe headaches or other pain, without drugs and their undesirable side effects.

Mental Screen
     The Mental screen will help you develop your to set and achieve your goals, and function better in the mental dimension.

Memory Pegs
     Memory Pegs will help you to improve visualization, imagination and memory.

Mirror of the Mind
     Learn to create the script that will allow you to create success in all areas of your life.

Changing Limiting Beliefs
     Learn practical ways to find the underlying beliefs that may be holding you back and create the conditions to live your life as you desire.

Glove Anesthesia
     Develop the skills that every human possesses to control pain, and speed healing for yourself and for others.
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Glass of Water Technique
     Learn to use the Glass of Water Technique to help you get information and make decisions.

Weight and Habit Control
     Learn to get rid of bad habits and start good new habits that will lead to even greater success.

     Learn to develop Effective Sensory Projection skills to improve your natural abilities. You will actual clairvoyant experience.

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